4. Install Zerotier

Install and Setup

Why ZeroTier?

ZeroTier provides a convenient way for us to easily connect the drone and the ground station through the 4G network without having to build a VPN by ourselves.

The setting process

  1. Register and set up a ZeroTier account
  2. Install zerotier-one client on Raspberry Pi
  3. Install the ZeroTier One client on the ground station PC
  4. Approve the connection of Raspberry Pi and ground station in ZeroTier account

1. Register and set up a ZeroTier account

  • Register a new account on zerotier.com
  • Login and create a new Network
zerotier new Networks screen

In the Network setting page:

  • Write down the Network ID, you will need it to config the zerotier later
  • Change the Network Name you prefer
  • Choose a IP range you prefer

2. Install zerotier-one client on Raspberry Pi

Through Zerotier, we can create a VLAN that put the Raspberry Pi drone and Ground Station in the same local network. Let us connect the Raspberry Pi to the ground station more easily.

Execute the following shell command in Raspberry Pi to download the Zerotier:

curl -s https://install.zerotier.com | sudo bash

for more information of installation, please read here

Testing the installation
sudo zerotier-cli status

If you can see 200 info [ID] [version] ONLINE then successed

Make the Zerotier auto-start on system boot

sudo systemctl enable zerotier-one

Join the zerotier to your network

sudo zerotier-cli join [Network ID]

You can find the Network ID in your Zerotier account

3. Install the Zerotier One client on the ground station PC

Download and install the Zerotier to your PC

Then select Join Network and input the Network ID

4. Approve the connection of Raspberry Pi and ground station in your Zerotier account

Go to your ZeroTier network setting page, you will find the records of Raspberry Pi and the Ground Station PC.

  • Checked the Auth? checkbox
  • Change the Name you prefer
  • Write down the Managed IPs of Raspberry Pi and ground station
Approve the machine in zerotier
Approve the machine in zerotier

If you found any mistake in the document or you have difficulty following the setups, please leave your comments to me. Your comments can help me to improve this article. Thank you!

RC Bellergy

Next: 5. Wring and connect Pixhawk to Raspberry Pi

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