Connect Pixwark – minimosd- FPV – GoPro & video switcher

我的QAV500有一個FPV CCD鏡頭,另一個GoPro鏡頭作拍攝之用。


就嘗試把 Pixwark + minimosd + FPV (ImmersionRCTransmitter, CCD cam) + GoPro 和 video switcher 連接起來。

connect pixhawk, minimosd, FPV set and video switcher
Connect pixhawk, minimosd, FPV set and video switcher


1)嘗試以”Relay Switch“轉換,但不是每次都成功,可能要按三四次才有一次成功。我覺得是因為”Relay”是 digital output pin,Video Switcher不能正常接收信號。

2)也試過用”camera trigger“功能,但每次轉換幾秒後,它都會回到原來的鏡頭。是因camera trigger的原意是模擬一次按鍵的動作。



How to assign a receiver channel as a pass-thru Pixhawk ?

The reason some people can’t connect directly to the Rx is because some don’t have enough channel outputs. Also, some Rx’s don’t allow both PPM and PWM outputs.
I’m using a FrSky 4 channel Rx with an 8 channel PPM output. All channels must pass through PPM to the APM/Pixhawk.

不過,看到底好像還沒有人有解決方法,要不就是等有人把program update,另一個方案就是用一個強大一些的receiver。

Actually, you can configure the x8r to output the top 8 channels and use the sbus out for the lower 8 to the pixhawk.

可能都要買一個FrSky X8R試一試了。


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