Why does the QGroundControl not connect to the Raspberry PI?

I found my blog’s most common question is “Why does the QGroundControl not connect to the Raspberry PI?” I faced many times the QGroundControl not connected suddenly, I will trace the issue follow the steps below:
1. Issues of Network :
Did the QGroundControl PC and the Raspberry PI joined to the ZeroTier network?

2. Issues of QGroundControl settings:
Check the QGroundControl Comm Links setting
Check the vehicle paramenter SER_TEL1_BAUND

3. Issues of mavlink-router:
Did the mavlink-router started?
Check the mavlink-router config

4. Issues of Raspberry Pi:
Check the serial port settings
Did the serial port receiving data?

5. Issues of hardware

1. Did the QGroundControl PC and the Raspberry PI joined to the ZeroTier network?

Check your ZeroTier account, the QGroundControl PC and the Raspberry PI should be "ONLINE". (I use the zerotier to setup the private network. If you didn’t setup it, pleas read here first.)

If the drone is OFFLINE, you should check:

2. Check the QGroundControl CommL inks

Open the QGroundControl > Application Settings > Comm Links.
Did you setup the UDP Connection?

QGroundcontrol UDP 14550 port setup

Did you click the Connect button?

QGroundControl Comm Links UDP Connect

2a. Check the vehicle paramenter SER_TEL1_BAUND

Open the QGroundControl > Vehicle Setup > Parameters.
Search SER_TEL1_BAUD, the setting should be 38400 8N1

3 mavlink-router issues

3.1 Did the mavlink-router started?

Run the command below in the Raspberry PI:

systemctl status mavlink-router

If your mavlink-router is running correctly, you will see something like this:

If you found the mavlink-router inactive (dead):

You can try to start it manually and make it start when system boot:

sudo systemctl start mavlink-router
sudo systemctl enable mavlink-router

If there is error, you can check the error and try to fix it.
If there is no useful information, you can try:

sudo journalctl -u mavlink-router

It will echo the log of mavlink-router service. It provides more information to locate the issue.

If you even can’t find the mavlink-router, you can read here to install it.

Check the mavlink-router config

If the mavlink-router is working, you can check the config file.

cat /etc/mavlink-router/main.conf

Please check:

  1. The Banud is 38400 which matches the QGroundControl setting above;
  2. The Device is /dev/serial0, some Raspberry PI will use /dev/ttyAMA0. You can trial and error or read here for how difference versions of Raspberry Pi handle serial ports.

Issues of Rsapberry Pi

Check the serial port settings

Please check here to make sure you enabled the serial port.

Did the serial port receiving data?

Sometime, I want to know did I connect the correct serial port? Did the serial port receiving data? I will use a python module serial.tools.miniterm to check it.

Install the pyserial module

pip install pyserial

Run the command

python3 -m serial.tools.miniterm /dev/serial0 38400

If the serial port is receiving the data, you will see the screen print like this:

If there is no return, it means the serial port do not receiving data.

Issues of hardware

Check again the wiring is correct.
Wiring and connecting the Pixhawk to Raspberry Pi

Last Update: April 10, 2022.

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