把下載的 image file 燒錄到 SC card,在 Mac 的 Terminal 執行以下程序(使用其他 OS 可參考官方文件):
// show the SD card disk path {diskx} diskutil list // unmount SD card, remember replace the {diskx} diskutil unmountDisk /dev/{diskx} // format SD card sudo newfs_msdos -F 16 /dev/{diskx} // restore image file to SD card, remember replace the {/path/of/image/xxx.dmg} to the image file path sudo dd if={/path/of/image/xxx.dmg} of=/dev/{diskx}
把 SD card 裝入 Raspberry Pi 後啓動。在 Raspberry Pi 以預設戶口登入(注意,此 image 沒有圖型介面,所有操作都是通過 command line 進行)
passwd // change password sudo adduser {new-username} sudo // create new user sudo su // make sure the new-user has been setup correctly sudo deluser -remove-home pi // remove default user and the home directoty sudo nano /etc/sudoers.d/010_pi-nopasswd // {new-username} ALL=(ALL) PASSWD: ALL // Make sudo require a password
This is a video taken two years ago, recording the process from the start to the take-off of a FPV multi-copter. This is not a formal “how-to” video, but the effect of time-lapse shooting is interesting.