This is a video taken two years ago, recording the process from the start to the take-off of a FPV multi-copter. This is not a formal “how-to” video, but the effect of time-lapse shooting is interesting.
但話說回來,Navio+還是很新,他們把APM code port到Linux還是實驗性。他們的網站也這樣說:Important! Keep in mind that the code for Navio is in the experimental state. Use it with caution! 我也不打算把它用作實際飛行,最好可以在室內實驗,試試自己的程式。因此,以Lumenier Danaus做機架就可以保護縲旋槳和室內的人了。
Navio+ at Lumenier Danaus, 雖然Navio+在250機架有點大,但整體很簡約,未計電池重量約430g。